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Showing posts from February, 2015

High Blood Pressure Diet

The latest Global health numbers puts the spotlight on the growing problem of the non-communicable diseases burden. One in three adults worldwide has raised blood pressure – a disorder that is root for around half of all fatality from stroke and heart disease. One in every 10 adults has diabetes.  These numbers are alarming and rapidly growing particularly in low- and middle-income countries like India. Prevention is better than cure. So if one want to stay away from these disorders one need to follow major lifestyle and diet changes.  Following information will give you information on high blood pressure and its reasons and foods which can cure the reasons behind high blood pressure. What is high blood pressure? Our heart is a pump that supplies blood all around our body through blood pipes called arteries. Since blood has to reach to each and every part of your body, has to overcome different resistances and has to re circulate again, our heart pumps the causes...

How to get smooth and glowing skin in easy way

We all want for a transparent and glowing skin. However with nerve-wracking jobs and busy lifestyles, we tend to don’t have enough time to require care of our skin. This negligence leads to skin issues like skin disease, blemishes, dullness, dead skin patches, blackheads, whiteheads and additional. We tend to square measure left full of queries like a way to get glowing skin or even a way to create skin glow? Generally even a way to get truthful skin? a way to become truthful is definitely an issue that has discomposed North American nation for long. For several believe that truthful skin incorporates a glow that no different skin tone will have! That isn’t true in the slightest degree. Having a darker complexion doesn’t mean that you just can’t have glowing skin. It’s time we tend to bust these antique myths. Thus here square measure some easy answers on a way to get flawed glowing skin you've got invariably needed. MUNCH ON MIXED CRACKED Nuts are loaded in seleniu...