The latest Global health numbers puts the spotlight on the growing problem of the non-communicable diseases burden. One in three adults worldwide has raised blood pressure ā a disorder that is root for around half of all fatality from stroke and heart disease. One in every 10 adults has diabetes. These numbers are alarming and rapidly growing particularly in low- and middle-income countries like India. Prevention is better than cure. So if one want to stay away from these disorders one need to follow major lifestyle and diet changes. Following information will give you information on high blood pressure and its reasons and foods which can cure the reasons behind high blood pressure. What is high blood pressure? Our heart is a pump that supplies blood all around our body through blood pipes called arteries. Since blood has to reach to each and every part of your body, has to overcome different resistances and has to re circulate again, our heart pumps the causes...
Hello Everyone,. Diet Kundali is an android app for calculating calories and nutrition from your diet and monthly ration. You can also create your own diet chart and reduce blood sugar levels or recipes to reduce cholesterol, weight loss diets, diabetic diet, PCOS /PCOD weight loss diet plan. You can watch many videos which are related to diet, recipes, diabetes , cholesterol control, weight loss, pre-pregnancy test, pregnancy test (etc) and treatments information.