Diabetes mellitus is a disease of multiple causes characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia with problems in carbohydrate metabolism because of defects in insulin action, insulin secretion or both. This syndrome is frequently correlated with long term problems for organs like heart, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels. More than 50% of all patients with diabetes do no exhibit any symptoms at all until diagnosed. Hence it becomes imperative for earlier diabetes diagnosis than later. You can watch this video for information in Hindi on how diabetes diagnosis is done. Who should check for diabetes? For Indians ideally all the individuals above 30 years of age should be screened for diabetes. If you are positive for any one or more following risk factors, then you ought to be tested sooner regardless of your age: You have diabetes in the family such as parents, grand parents. You are overweight or obese where your body mass index is more than ...
Hello Everyone,. Diet Kundali is an android app for calculating calories and nutrition from your diet and monthly ration. You can also create your own diet chart and reduce blood sugar levels or recipes to reduce cholesterol, weight loss diets, diabetic diet, PCOS /PCOD weight loss diet plan. You can watch many videos which are related to diet, recipes, diabetes , cholesterol control, weight loss, pre-pregnancy test, pregnancy test (etc) and treatments information.