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Showing posts from January, 2016

Diabetes Treatment Special

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Special ā€œControl the blood glucose level, it is related to fewer strokes and heart attacksā€ Diabetes damages almost every part of the body, from Top to Bottom (that is brain to feet). High blood glucose level, the characteristics of diabetes, causes mayhem on blood nerves. It is very important to keep blood glucose level under control. It should prevent the diabetes-related damage. But the question is how low to push the blood glucose level. A study available from The   New England Journal of Medicine   ( NEJM ) give supportive facts that controlled blood glucose level is good for circulatory system and heart. As per the understanding of top dietitians in Mumbai tight blood glucose control is a symbol of a new age of diabetes care. The risk of high blood glucose Type 2 diabetes is noticeable by high blood glucose level in the body. Over the time, high blood glucose damage small blood vessels all over the body. It is referred a...