Belly Fat Reducing Tips Some important tips which help you in losing your belly fat . If you are more concerned about your belly fat and want to know how to lose it then this post is for you. Important point to follow for reducing tummy Fat In our busy lifestyle and sedentary living it is not easy to maintain healthy weight and now a day achieving weight loss is even more difficult. Most of the weight loss diet plans cannot be continued in the long term. You can achieve long lasting weight loss, and also develop a more healthy connection with food with the help of DIET KUNDALI Successfully dealing with your weight has a very simple arithmetic equation: If you burn fewer calories than you eat, your weight will increase. And if you burn more calories than you eat, you lose your weight When you reduce calories, you may lose a kg or so every week for the first 2-3 weeks. But when you continue in 4th week there is not substantial wei...
Hello Everyone,. Diet Kundali is an android app for calculating calories and nutrition from your diet and monthly ration. You can also create your own diet chart and reduce blood sugar levels or recipes to reduce cholesterol, weight loss diets, diabetic diet, PCOS /PCOD weight loss diet plan. You can watch many videos which are related to diet, recipes, diabetes , cholesterol control, weight loss, pre-pregnancy test, pregnancy test (etc) and treatments information.